Salary Vs Dividend:
Most of my clients who set up a corporation have asked me how to take out money either by dividend or salary. Dividend and salary, both have their advantage and disadvantages.
Salary Advantages and Disadvantages:
Possible to contribute to RRSP
Require to contribute to CPP/QPP
Salary or Bonus expenses are deductible for
Income splitting is available by paying salary
to related employees such as wife or children
Dividend Advantages and Disadvantages:
Dividends are taxed at a lower rate than salary
which may result in paying less personal tax
No required to contribute to CPP/QPP, therefore saving
Downside of only receiving dividend is even if corporation owner would like to contribute to CPP/QPP it is not
Receiving only dividend omit possibility to contribute
to RRSP to reduce income or defer taxes
Receiving only divided can destroy possibility of
other personal deduction such as child care expenses
- Paying divided is simpler compare to paying
salary as do not require calculating or remitting Deduction at sources.
The best solution depends on individual need of each of the
business owners. Often time corporations pay out salary and bonuses to ensure that
its Net Income do not exceed small business dedication limit ($500K for
2013-2014 tax year). In summary, salary or divided depends on business owners
personal financial circumstances, such as income level, cash flow needs,
corporate income, personal income tax deduction, net personal assets, net
personal other income etc.
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